Our GPR system is the only one in the world equipped with DMap, automatic Dielectric Mapping for pavements – Revolutionizing how we assess and manage road conditions.
World's first vehicle mounted!
- Extend pavement lifetime
- Density evaluation of the complete road area
- Identify areas with density variations for construction QC or early road rehabilitation
- Smart Coring - Save money through core samples from identified weak areas
- Enhanced visualization – easy to spot weak areas
Who can make use of DMap?
This service can be activated for anyone with a Kontur AIR Mk6 sensor, delivered with Dielectric Mapping capability. Kontur AIR Mk6 sensor is available in several widths (4 ft to 10 ft), all with the same data density.
Easy and user-friendly
DMap output is supported by Examiner Collect (data capture SW) and Examiner Specialist (processing SW). It is quick and simple to create deliverables, the SW automatically generates output without manual interpretation.
Learn more about DMap